Standards and technical
Across Europe the Standard for Concrete is:
- EN 206: 2013 Concrete: Specification, performance, production and conformity, December 2013
Implemented in the UK as
- BS EN 206: 2013 incorporating corrigendum May 2014
The British version is the same as the European version but has a National Foreword that references BS 8500, the British Standard for Concrete, and records the correction made to EN 206: 2013 on 12 March 2014.
EN 206 sets out the common terminology, classes, basic requirements, delivery information as well as conformity, production and evaluation of conformity requirements as standardized across Europe. In particular it sets out the basic specification for designed, prescribed and standardized prescribed concrete. However, for application in the UK there are additional requirements and useful guidance and this is incorporated in complementary British Standards:
- BS 8500 Concrete — Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206—
- Part 1: 2015+A1:2016 Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier
- Part 2: 2015+A1:2016 Specification for the constituent materials and concrete
BS 8500 Parts 1 and 2+A1: 2016 were published in May 2016 with BS 8500 Parts 1 and 2: 2015 withdrawn on 16 July 2016.
These European and British Standards for Concrete sit at the heart of a network of Standards necessary for the specification of concrete, concrete design and concrete construction:
Diagram - European and British Standards for Concrete supporting National Building Regulations

Useful link
Visit The Concrete Society – your concrete community here.
Visit The Concrete Centre’s – Codes and Standards page here.